[Translate to English:] Institut für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement

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[Translate to English:] RespACT

RespACT CEO Talk on Responsible Business Practices

Each year, the corporate platform respACT organizes a CEO Talk. On November 28, 2023, the focus was on responsible business practices, with André Martinuzzi delivering the keynote speech on the topic.…

[Translate to English:] Foto von Anja Grüll und Marianne Neumüller-Klapper

Guest Lecture by Marianna Neumüller-Klapper (Nespresso)

Students of our Bachelor's courses gain profound insights into corporate practices. This practice lecture focused on Nespresso, highlighting their sustainability goals and the wide array of measures.

[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der ExpertInnengruppe der Studie über das Lierfekettenschutzgesetz

WU Study on the Supply Chain Act

A new study on supply chain responsibility highlights the outstanding achievements of Austrian companies and demonstrates that responsibility is a strategic success factor.

[Translate to English:] OECD Handbook

World Premiere of an OECD Handbook at WU Wien

During an international conference organized by the institute, the OECD presented for the first time its new handbook on environmental due diligence in mineral supply chains.

[Translate to English:] Writing Retreat Utopia

Writing Retreat: Three Days Dedicated to Advancing Your Next PhD Publication

Our Writing Retreat provides an opportunity for PhD students to dedicate focused effort on their academic publications and to benefit from multiple rounds of feedback from high-level academics.

[Translate to English:] Mairead Brady (AOM), Andre Martinuzzi, Svetlana Ivanova, Anja Grüll und Angelo Spörk (WU Wien)

Two Awards for "Humor in Management Education"

For years, we have deliberately incorporated humor into university education. André Martinuzzi has been honored as the 'WU Researcher of the Month' for this, and a workshop hosted around this topic…

[Translate to English:] RRI Podcast Logo

André Martinuzzi on the Podcast “RRI Explained”

Responsible innovation should be articulated in the language of businesses and present an attractive business case, suggests André Martinuzzi on the podcast "RRI Explained."

[Translate to English:] Foto Gabriele Faber Wiener, Andre Martinuzzi und Anja Grüll

Guest Lecture by Gabriele Faber-Wiener (Center for Responsible Management)

Rising energy prices, new laws and recruiting new employees are just some of the challenges companies are currently facing. Gabriele Faber-Wiener, founder of the Center for Responsible Management,…

[Translate to English:] sustainability award

Sustainability Award 2022 for Measuring the Impact of WU Vienna

Universities have significant impacts on society and the economy. The project "Sustainable Universities - Shaping Impacts," overseen by the Institute, was awarded the Sustainability Award 2022.

[Translate to English:] Foto des BIG Aufsichtsrats

Andre Martinuzzi Appointed to the Supervisory Board of BIG

The Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) develops, maintains, and manages more than 400 schools, 200 university buildings, and approximately 800 specialized properties for public infrastructure.